Maxillofacial Surgery 

Are you experiencing discomfort or issues with your facial structure, jaw, or oral health? Maxillofacial surgery can fix it! 

Dr. Salil Bhardwaj, a leading maxillofacial surgeon in Bahrain, offers advanced solutions to address these challenges, transforming your facial profile and oral health. Whether you’re struggling with facial asymmetry, jaw misalignment, or other functional or aesthetic concerns, Dr. Salil’s expertise can help you achieve lasting improvements. 

Understanding Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial surgery focuses on correcting diseases, injuries, and defects in your face, jaw, or mouth. 

  • Bones and tissues of the jaw and lower face (maxillofacial area) 
  • Roof of the mouth (palate) 
  • Teeth 

Reasons to Perform Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial surgery is performed to: 

Treat Dental Problems and Conditions 

  • Relieve dental pain 
  • Preparing the oral cavity for dental implants and prostheses  
  • Placing dental implants 
  • Extracting impacted teeth 
  • Treat oral diseases 


Improve Jaw Function 

  • Bone grafting or transplanting bone from another body part to replace missing bone in your jaw 
  • Reconstructing your jaw to address an abnormal bite 
  • Treating injuries resulting from trauma to your face, jaw, and mouth 
  • Addressing temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders affecting the jaw’s connection to the skull. 

Other Reasons 

  • Correcting congenital abnormalities such as cleft lip and palate 
  • Treating facial injury 
  • Identifying and treating cysts, tumors, cancer, and other growths in your head and neck region 
  • Diagnosing reasons for chronic facial pain 

Procedure Details: Maxillofacial Surgery


The maxillofacial procedure starts with a consultation: 

  • Ask about your symptoms, medical history, and current medications. 
  • Examination of your oral cavity and surrounding areas. 
  • Tests, such as dental X-rays and 3D scans. 

Through this, the diagnosis is made and recommendation for surgery or other treatment is done.  

Procedure and Recovery 

Maxillofacial surgery is typically performed under anesthesia to prevent pain.  

Depending on the nature of the procedure, the doctor may perform various manipulations, such as reshaping bones, repositioning facial tissues, removing tumors or damaged tissue, or repairing fractures. 

After the procedure, the doctor may use stitches to close any surgical wounds. He may also place packing into your mouth to protect your teeth or the wound and to absorb blood or pus. 

It is common to experience discomfort, sensitivity, swelling, and bleeding for a few days after the procedure. 

For smoother recovery,  

  • Apply ice packs to reduce inflammation 
  • Avoid chewy and hard foods 
  • Take pain medications as prescribed. 
  • Rinse your teeth instead of brushing them. 

Maxillofacial surgery offers vital solutions for complex head, face, and jaw issues, improving both function and appearance.  

Maxillofacial surgery involves an operation to correct a disease, injury or defect of your face, jaw or mouth. Maxillofacial surgeons are specialists who have advanced training. They perform various procedures to reduce pain, fix deformities and restore function in the lower face.